In this lab (assuming you successfully passed the skills check below 🤓), with some guidance from the crew, you will create your own CMS with a Markdown Editor and all :)

Bonus point: A FullStack Microservice to allow commenting 💬 on the articles!

Skills check (if you understand these, you have the skills required for this lab):

  • git clone -b start
  • System.out.println(“I have already played with Java”);
  • “here should be HTML tag”

We (the Quarkus team) crafted a set of tools for Full-Stack developers, allowing you to create Single Page apps (React, Angular, …), FullStack Microservice (Lit, ..) or Server Side Rendering (with htmx or not) with close to zero configuration.

Get ready for some dev joy! In this lab, we're leveraging all this to show you how Quarkus can also level up your own Web Apps.

Pre-requisites (please make sure you have this before you join the lab):

  • Laptop
  • JDK 17+
  • Git
  • IDE (IntelliJ, VSCode, …)